Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's Time to Say Goodbye

Thank you all for a terrific semester of reading, writing, listening, speaking and learning. Please keep posting on your blogs. (Victoria checks for new posts every morning on Google Reader, so make her happy.) Thank you for all your good work, and best of luck in the future!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Should I Wear for a Boat Ride?

You should wear comfortable clothes and shoes (we recommend sneakers). If it's raining, wear a raincoat or bring an umbrella. Please bring your camera, and meet at 9:30 sharp in GAC 127. 
See you tomorrow, rain or shine!
(Photo by Carl Crumley, of Pittsford, NY)

What is Punctuality?

Puncuality means being on time for appointments, classes, tests, and trips. Research shows that academic success is related to punctuality. In graduate school and college, you cannot be absent unless you are extremely ill or have an emergency. Please learn how to be on time before you begin your academic programs!  Here are some ways to train yourself to be on time, every time!

  1. Rethink the meaning of "on time." People who are always on time are really people who arrive early every day--and acknowledge that things can go wrong to set them back several minutes. When things do "go wrong" these students arrive on time!

  2. Understand the importance of being on time. Students who are always on time are the people who earn the best grades, win scholarships, and get into great colleges. In the working world, the people who are always on time are the people who get promotions.

  3. Get enough sleep. If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, then make a serious effort to get to bed earlier. Sufficient sleep is essential for maximum brain function anyway, so you really don't want to ignore this aspect of your scholastic habits.

  4. Give yourself a realistic amount of time to dress and groom. You can do this with a simple exercise: Get up early one morning and time yourself (moving at a normal pace) to see how long it takes you to get ready. You may be surprised at the time it takes, especially if you find you have been trying to squeeze forty minutes worth of grooming into fifteen minutes each morning.

  5. Know exactly when you need to be at your destination and subtract ten or fifteen minutes to establish your arrival time. This will give you time to go to the restroom or chat with friends.
    What time are you expected to be seated in your home room or your first class? If class begins at 7:45, you should arrive at the school by 7:30 and be in your seat at 7:40.

  6. Be open to your teacher's preferences. Does your teacher want you to be seated early? If your teacher wants you to be in class before the bell rings, then do so if it's possible-even if you don't agree. Don't get angry and blame others if you aren't meeting the teacher's expectations. Why cause trouble for yourself?

  7. Communicate any problems. If your bus is always late or you have to take your little brother to school and it always makes you late, just explain this to your teacher.

  8. Listen to traffic news. If you depend on public transportation to get to school, always keep an eye on schedule interruptions.

  9. Have a backup plan for your transportation. If you normally ride to school with a friend, think ahead and plan what to do if your friend gets sick.

  10. Set your clocks forward by ten minutes. This is a little psychological trick that many people play on themselves. The funny thing is, it really works!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's Next?

Tomorrow, Thursday- regular class.

Friday, 4-27-12: Tell Me More progress test (mandatory), then Student presentations about the Erie Canal.  After the presentations you will work to finish all your blog posts.

Monday, 4-30-12: Regular classes.

Tuesday, 5-1-12: CELSA test during grammar class. Please be on time. Regular classes after the test.

Wednesday, 5-2-12: 9:30am GAC 127.  Erie Canal boat ride. The time on the boat is about 1 hour. We will be driving over to the canal and back to Naz.

Thursday: GAC 127 at 9:00am. Game Day! We are having a day of games (using your English skills), food and prizes! This our last day, please come.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Here's Another American Folk Song

This is Pete Seeger (remember the Erie Canal song?) and a few of his friends singing a song written by Woody Guthrie. It is called This Land Is Your Land. Can you hear the figurative language?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where is the Blog/Portfolio Class Tomorrow?

On Friday, 4-20-12, we will meet at 10:30 in GAC 44, the computer lab. Be ready to sing, and do some interesting fact-finding about a nearby waterway!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saturday Collage/Art Journal Class

This Saturday, 4-21-12, from 1pm to 4pm, in GAC 127, Victoria will be leading a class on making an art journal (a handmade book) from recycled materials. We'll be using junkmail, magazines, tape, fabric and other materials to create unique books we can use as scrapbooks, journals, sketchbooks or picture albums.
If you enjoyed the map-making, you'll like this class. Bring your junkmail and your creativity!
For more information HERE is a blog post about the process.
Here are some sample journal pages made with junk mail, shopping bags, paper scraps, drawings, and photos.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How Many Posts Are on Your Blog?

It’s Time to Check Your Blog!
Do You Have All the Posts?
If Not, It Is Time to Catch Up!

Your blog should have these assigned posts. Your grade depends on satisfying this requirement.  The blog shows your work and progress in English this semester. It must be complete.
If you have extra posts, you are a wonderful blogger! We love to read everything you post!  

1. Scavenger Hunt post, with photo and caption.
2. Polish Heroes post.
3. Where does your food information come from? Include a photo and caption.
4. Susan B. Anthony post, with photo and caption.
5. A post with a link to the Jeopardy game you created. Describe your game. (Links are on the Friday page of the class blog.)
6. Your ‘How To...’ lesson, with at least one photo and caption.
7. A Spring Poem, with one photo and caption.
8. A poem inspired by a photograph, following the style of Billy Collins’ poem, “Litany”.
9. A post answering the labryinth questions, and describing your labryinth walk.
10. A post about your annotated, illustrated map. (You will recieve an email with the photo of your finished map. You can write about the map and post your writing. You can add the photo later.)
11. A post about your Erie Canal research. (We will do this on 4-20-12.) If you want to start early, you can check the Friday page for the research links.

(Mariam and Naseem will have 8 posts, and Linlang will have 7 posts, because they came into class in February.)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let's Learn an American Folk Song

Start practicing today! We'll be singing this song in class on Friday, so please listen to the video and read the words below before you come to class. Ask your American friends if they know the song. It's a classic!

I've got a mule and her name is Sal
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal
She's a good old worker and a good old pal                                  
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal


We hauled some barges in our day
Filled with lumber, coal and hay
We know every inch of the way
From Albany to Buffalo

Low bridge, everybody down
Low bridge, we're comin' to a town
And you'll always know your neighbor
And you'll always know your pal
If you ever navigated on the Erie Canal.

You can bet your life I'll never part with Sal
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal
She knows every inch of this old canal
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Have you ever seen wheelchair basketball?

Physical Therapy Club will be hosting it's Annual Rochester Wheels Basketball Game on Tuesday, April 17th at 6PM in the Shults Gym!
The event is a friendly basketball game played in wheelchairs against the Rochester Wheels Basketball Team!
Everyone is invited to play! Teams may consist of 5-7 players and the cost for each team is $32!
All proceeds of the event will go towards Rochester Wheels. Additional donations are gratefully accepted!
You must register your team by 9:00AM on Monday, April 16th. Please email with the names of the individuals on your team and your team name!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What is a Monk? Come and Find Out!

The William H. Shannon Chair in Catholic Studies proudly presents a talk byPaul Quenon, O.C.S.O, a Trappist monk who has lived for more than 50 years at the Abbey of Gethsemani in rural Kentucky where the famous monk and writer Thomas Merton was his novice master. Quenon’s talk, Poetry, Prayer, and the Play of God, is April 12, at 7 p.m. in the Shults Community Center Forum.  Quenon will also present a second lecture, Seeing with a Poet’s Eye: Photography as Spiritual Practice, on Friday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m. in the Linehan Chapel of the Golisano Academic Center. Both are free and open to the public. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Come and Learn About Islam

Are all Muslim women oppressed?
Are all Muslims terrorists?
Does Islam promote violence?
Tuesday, April 10 at 12:10 pm 
Center for Spirituality Community Room
 (GAC #151)
Lunch will be provided.

Come learn about this important global religion and get to know us personally!

Hope to see you there!

~Naz Muslim Student Association (MSA)

Event Sponsored by Center for Spirituality

Improve your vocabulary and listening skills!

Here is a link to a podcast series that some of our students have been using. They highly recommend it for extra practice, even if you are not taking the TOEFL test. Download the podcasts to your phone or computer. Listen while you drive, eat, or sleep! (Okay, maybe not while you sleep.) Try it and see what you think.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Donate Blood to Help Others


WednesdayApril 11, 2012

Forum & Reading Lounge 

10:00 AM -  4:00 PM

Please make every effort to donate

All presenting donors at participating drives in April will receive a coupon for
6 FREE wings from Buffalo Wild Wings.

The best way to make your donation quick and convenient is to make an 
appointment ahead of time!
You may do so by going directly to the Naz website at

to reserve a time.
Walk-ins are welcome.

Please note:  you may use your Nazareth address and phone # for the requested information.

Make the best of your experience but please be safe:
  • Drink 2-3 eight ounce glasses of non-caffeinated liquids before donating.
  • Eat regular meals the day before donating.
  • No dieting in the previous 24 hours.
  • East a good breakfast or lunch before donation.
  • No strenuous exercise on the day you donate. (No athletes in season!)
  • A high fluid intake should continue for the next 2 to 3 days.
If you donated on or before February 15, you will be eligible to donate

Take a CD player and headphones to listen to music while you
donate. When the process is over, most centers offer juice and
cookies and recommend a short rest before leaving. 

The American Red Cross has indicated the need for blood donors of all types.
Thanks for being a lifesaver!
They appreciate all of your support!

Center for Spirituality Staff

Monday, April 2, 2012

Free Health Check!

Annual Wellness Fair
Tuesday, April 3 
10 am - 2 pm in the Shults Center

FREE:  Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Vision Screenings
Lots of Valuable Wellness Information!

Take in the Fair, fill out an evaluation and register for  prizes!

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Three Free Music Events!

    The Department of Music presents performances by its three major large ensembles this weekend, all taking place in the Linehan Chapel at the Golisano Academic Center. The Nazareth College Symphony Orchestra's annual Rising Stars concert showcases the winners of the Concerto/Aria competition on Friday evening, March 30 at 7:30 pm. The Nazareth College Concert Band presents a program of wind music on Saturday evening, March 31 at 7:30 pm. And on Sunday afternoon, April 1 at 3:00 pm, the Nazareth choirs offer a program featuring works they will be performing at pre-Olympic events in London this summer.   

    Large Ensembles

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Get a Free Ticket to the Russian Ballet!

    The Nazareth College Arts Center proudly presents
    Stars of the Russian Ballet

    Saturday, March 24, 8 p.m.
    Pre-performance lecture, 7 p.m. in A14

    Full-time Nazareth College students with valid ID receive one free ticket per performance.
    Part-time Nazareth College students (Grad and Undergrad) with valid ID receive one free ticket per semester.

    This gala performance features highlights from beloved ballet classics, performed by soloists of the Russian Ballet and a full corps of dancers.

    *Attend Prince Desire and Princess Aurora’s wedding celebration (Pas de Deux from Act III of Sleeping Beauty);

    *Enjoy one of the most well-known and well-loved excerpts in all of classical ballet (Le Corsaire Pas de Deux);

    *Celebrate as Cinderella slips her foot into the glass slipper and becomes engaged to the Prince (Cinderella Act IIIAdagio);

    Tickets are $40-$70, and are available in person at the Arts Center Box Office, by calling 585-389-2170 or on-line at
    Regular box office hours are MondayFriday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 11 a.m. until curtain time on performance days.

    Nazareth College Faculty and Staff receive a 50% discount.
    Nazareth College Alumni receive a 20% discount.

    Wear Your Walking Shoes!!

    Please remember to wear comfortable walking shoes for tomorrow's class, as we will be taking a short "walk in the woods!"

    Tuesday, March 20, 2012

    World Photos from Nazareth Students

    You are cordially invited to:

    A World Without Borders: Nazareth Students Around the Globe
    Take a trip around the world and view photographs taken by Nazareth College students while they were studying abroad!

    Tuesday, March 27
    Wilmot Library
    The students' photos will be on display in the Wilmot Library from March 26 - April 16 and the winners of the photography contest will be noted.

    The exhibit and opening reception are free of charge and open to the public. No reservations required.
    -Sponsored by the Center for International Education

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Take a Look at our How To... Videos!

    We learned a lot from the presentations last Friday. Do you know how to play Blokus? Or how to make chai? Click on the Class Videos tab at the top of this page to find out how do these and many more things. We have the most creative students on campus! Do you agree?

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Happy Women's Day!

     These were a lovely surprise from the Columbian students. Thank you all so very much!
    Here are some of the ALI women. Happy Women's Day to all!

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

    Whose woods these are I think I know.   
    His house is in the village though;   
    He will not see me stopping here   
    To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

    My little horse must think it queer   
    To stop without a farmhouse near   
    Between the woods and frozen lake   
    The darkest evening of the year.   

    He gives his harness bells a shake   
    To ask if there is some mistake.   
    The only other sound’s the sweep   
    Of easy wind and downy flake.   
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.   
    But I have promises to keep,   
    And miles to go before I sleep,   
    And miles to go before I sleep.
    Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” from The Poetry of Robert Frost, edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright 1923, © 1969 by Henry Holt and Company, Inc., renewed 1951, by Robert Frost.

    Have you heard this poem before?
    Has it been translated into your native language?
    What images, sounds, feelings come to mind when reading it?

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    Food on Friday

    Add caption
    Thank you to those who have agreed to bring Friday snacks.  Below is the schedule of those who signed the list today.  If you would like to be added to the schedule, please comment on this post.

    March 9 - Myunghee
    March 23 - Oscar and Erick
    March 30 - LinLang, Ben, LiBo
    April 6 -  open
    April 13 - Naseem and Mariam
    April 20 - open     April 27 - open

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    videos of remarkable people

    To Linda P's Listening and Speaking students:  please post your videos of the people you discussed in your presentations today.  (please post on the main page so everyone can see!

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Monday Afternoon at Lake Ontario

    This is what the lake looked like today. It was very windy, so the waves were breaking on the beach. Unlike an ocean, Lake Ontario is calm when the weather is calm. When the weather is stormy or windy, the lake becomes active. I took this video in Webster Park. 

    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    Take a Look at the Jeopardy Games We Created

    Go to the following links to play our Jeopardy games. We worked in groups to pool and test our knowledge about several interesting topics. We used English for an authentic task, and demonstrated higher order thinking skills as we analysed, synthesized, evaluated information and created our games. Test yourself, and let us know what you think about our project.
    (Press START after you go to the game boards.)

    The Colorful group's game:   

    The HBBONN group's game:

    Khalid, Myunghee, Yousif, Carlos, Tan:

    Thursday, February 23, 2012

    Affect vs Effect: The Dreaded Grammar Question

    Yesterday, in grammar class, I was asked the difference between affect and effect.  I wasn't prepared to give the full explanation in class with absolutely certainty, so I promised I'd get back to all of my grammar fans with the full explanation!  Please click on the "Grammar Girl" link below for the full story!

    Grammar Girl Tips - Effect vs. Affect

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    Take a Look at Our Videos!

    Click the tab 'Class Videos' at the top of the page to see what we did on Friday. 

    Free Sunday Afternoon Music at Naz

    The Department of Music continues its celebration of the music of Claude Debussy on Sunday afternoon, February 26 at 3:00 pm in the Wilmot Recital Hall, in honor of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his birth. Debussy's innovative and deeply affective musical imagery are heard in an engaging variety of vocal and keyboard works. Faculty artists performing include sopranos Soo Yeon Kim, Andrea Folan and Kimberly Upcraft, and pianist James Douthit, Josh Massicot, along with guest pianist Lyndon Meyer. The program is free and open to the public. 

    Friday, February 17, 2012

    Welcome our newest student!

    Please welcome our newest student to the American Language Institute (ALI), Lin Lang Guo.  Lin Lang is from China and has come to the United States to study accounting at Nazareth College.  She will begin her classes at the ALI on Monday.  She set up her new blog today, so please write her a note of welcome:

    We hope you all enjoyed the trip to the Susan B. Anthony House today.  Guidelines for your blog post or on the Friday page of this blog.

    Have a great weekend!

    What Did You See At Susan B. Anthony's House?

    What is this?

    What did Susan B. Anthony write?

    What is this?

     Who is sitting with Susan B. Anthony?

    Shahzad had a good time. Do you agree?