Humaira's Page



Please complete your independent essay. It is due Monday, 04/23/2012. I will take your completed essay with your outline. Please scan through the sample essay and outline for your reference, but do not copy. The sample essay is for you to have a model as you work through your own essay.

We will start our test on Monday so please arrive to class on time otherwise you will loose time to complete the test. Here is how the test will be divided:

Monday 04/23: Reading Comprehension (3passages)
Wednesday 04/25: Listening Section (6 tasks)
Monday 04/30: Speaking Section (6 tasks)
Wednesday 05/02: Writing Section (two essays)

Since we only have 50 minutes of class time, it is essential that you arrive to class at least 5 minutes ahead of time so that you are ready to start at 8:30am. I will start all the tasks at 8:30. If you are late, you loose time on your own test ! While this is only a practice test, it is important to keep the time limits similar to your test environment--this means, no cell phones, no food (you can have something to drink), and no electronics or papers on the desk during testing. Please be mindful that there are no make-up days/times for tests so if you miss the class, you will loose points on your grade.

Any questions, please email me. Enjoy your weekend.



Tomorrow we will finish off our practice with speaking exercises. Class will begin at 8:30, so please arrive accordingly so you are ready to start at 8:30.

College Interview Skills: 

Interesting video to watch for those looking forward to college/job interviews.!



Print out directions to the interview site.
Review your application to the college or job
Dress neatly and conservatively. No jeans or t-shirts.
Write down your questions beforehand.
Arrive a little ahead of time (5-8minutes)


Smile. Be polite. Shake the interviewer’s hand firmly.
Talk naturally but without slang or swear words.
Answer decisively and positively even if you feel uncertain or negative.
Don’t answer “yes” or “no.” Speak for a minute or two.
If you can’t think of an answer, ask for more explanation of the question.
Surprise questions may pop up. It’s OK to pause briefly before you answer.
Don’t forget to ask your questions.
Show your enthusiasm for the school throughout the interview.
Tie your strengths to the strengths of the school or employment position.
Get the name and address of the interviewer.


Write a short thank you note to your interviewer.


Please check your emails for your homework assignment. There is one reading comprehension passage due Monday.


Quick Reminder: 

Homework due Wednesday, April 11th: Integrated Essay on Piracy Issues. I will take your reading/listening notes, outline, and completed essay. Please double space, if you can.

Enjoy all the fun activities happening around campus this week !

See you all on Wednesday at 8:30am.


Homework Due MONDAY:

Three things I will collect: 

Your integrated essay on Bottled Water with your completed outline and reading/listening notes. 

For those who were in class today, everything should be prepared except for your essay. Please spend at the maximum, 40 minutes on writing these essays. 

Carlos and Hassan-Great job with participation today !

For those who were absent today, you are responsible for making up your work. 

Everyone: please be mindful of your grades--most of you have very low grades at this point due to the high number of absences and lateness. Also, some of you have not handed your work in on time !

Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday at 8:30am.
Attendance matters so be on TIME


Homework due: Wednesday, 04/04/2012

Please refine your listening notes so that you are ready and prepared to transfer your notes to the board. You will be adding details to each other's listening notes. We will also listen to the passage one more time, but I expect you guys to have a strong understanding of the passage. 

Also, please complete your checklist/outline-->I have emailed it you to guys already in case some of you needed extra copies. Be prepared to share your checklist with the class and use it for your group activity on Wednesday.

See you at 8:30 on Wednesday.


I would just like to tell all of you how impressed I was from your presentations and your ability to participate in the question & answer sections. Thank you to all of you (Oscar, Carlos, Shahzad, and Hassan). Your contribution to this presentation and your hard work was well appreciated. I hope this experience served you well and that you learned a lot.

We will resume class tomorrow at 8:30 and for the next 2-3 classes, we will be targeting writing skills for your integrated and independent essays. 

Please arrive to class on time as I will begin the listening section for the essay at 8:30. Also, please come prepared to share your experiences from the presentation (i.e. What were your impressions of the audience?, Were you surprised at some of the questions?, What could we, as a class have done to better prepare you for this type of experience?, What went well? What did not went well?). Specifically, please think about how your speaking skills that we have worked on, related to TOEFL, contributed to your presentations? 

Thank you and great job to all of you !

See you all tomorrow at 8:30


Remember: class is canceled tomorrow morning. Instead we will be meeting in front of Carroll  at 6:15pm sharp. Please check your emails for a copy of the rubric. Email me or post here if you have any questions. Please arrive to your other classes on time---otherwise enjoy sleeping in a little late tomorrow ! :)



Class: Remember to work on your presentations over break..some of you may want to finish it completely as well-->HINT: finishing your presentation over break would be very helpful to you !! You will also have time over break to work with your group members for those working in a group.. IT WILL BE DUE MARCH 21ST AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS 

Yousif/ Oscar/ Carlos: I have not yet received your integrated essay on Cooperative Learning. Please email me your completed essay and any outline you used. Last day to accept this will be tomorrow, Friday by 10pm.

Oscar: Thank you for the chocolate re: Women's Day. That was very kind of you :)

Enjoy your break ! 


The following is due Wednesday 03.07.2012: 

Please write your integrated essay using the notes from the listening and reading passages on cooperative learning.  You will be handing in your listening/reading notes, any outline you did (you can follow the format I provided or create a venn diagram to contrast your ideas, you may also use the listening/reading notes to formulate an outline - like the one I showed in class with arrows contrasting the ideas) and a completed 150-220 word essay. Please read the sample essay and outline I provided last week as a guide to writing your essay. I recommend you spend at least 40 minutes; this essay is typically written in 20 minutes on the exam but because you are in the learning stage, please spend 40 minutes to write the essay. 

Additionally, you must hand in your outline on the final project by Wednesday as well. This was assigned last week and was due today, however I am extending the deadline to this Wednesday. This outline can follow the assignment sheet and needs to include details of what will be in your presentation. We will work on the presentation on Wednesday so make sure you have this ready !  Bring your laptops or other devices so you can work on it in class. There are also three computers in the classroom which you can use. Please check you emails for an example of presentation done by another student in another class I taught. 

We will begin Wednesday's class with a speaking activity - in other words, class starts at 8:30 and the activity begins at 8:35am. Arrive on time---these in-class activities count towards your grade !!

See you Wednesday


10 Common TOEFL Essay Mistakes

Improve your TOEFL essay writing score by avoiding these 10 mistakes
There are a few mistakes that you should never make in your TOEFL iBT essays. Here is our list of 10 things you should never do:
1. Never use abbreviations
Students often make the mistake of using inappropriate abbreviations in their writing. Never do this. Never write u instead of you. Don't writel8r instead of later. These are great abbreviations for writing quick SMS messages, but not for an academic essay such as the TOEFL writing.
2. Never end a sentence with three dots...
When you end a sentence with three dots (...), you are telling the reader that you don't have the words and vocabulary to complete your thought. Don't do this. Ending your sentences in this way is simply bad English...
3. Don't use slang
The TOEFL writing tests your ability to write an academic essay, not to use slang with your friends in the pub. Never use any words or phrases that could be considered slang: coulda, woulda, shoulda, gonna, wanna, blah blah blah. Slang will not impress the TOEFL assessor, but it will lower your essay score.
4. Don't use emoticons :-)
Agan, the TOEFL writing is academic in nature, and this is not the same as the writing you use when sending SMS messages. Always avoid smileys and other emoticons. :-(
5. Don't use big words and complicated language
Many students think that their TOEFL iBT writing score will improve if they use big words and complicated language. This is not true. In fact, the opposite is true. If you try to use big words and complicated language, it will not sound natural. There is also a chance that you will use the words incorrectly or make mistakes in grammar. It is important to express yourself naturally, in a simple and elegant way, as a native English speaker would.
6. Never memorize a text
Never memorize an essay text, format, or template to use in the TOEFL iBT writing. The assessors have a lot of experience correcting essays, and it is very easy to recognize when a student has simply memorized text.
7. Do not begin a sentence with a conjunction
A conjunction is a word that is used to connect two words, phrases, or sentences. Here are some examples: andbutor. Only use these words for connections. Never begin a sentence with one of these words.
8. Do not use contractions
A contraction is the combined form of two words. For example, if we have the words are and not, they can be combined as aren't. Theoretically, this is good English. In academic writing, however, it is usually not acceptable to use these short forms.
9. Do not write more than 5 paragraphs
Most TOEFL iBT essays are 4 paragraphs long. An essay with 5 paragraphs is possible, but it is difficult to write because your time is limited. Our recommendation: 4 paragraphs.
10. Never leave a sentence, paragraph, or idea incomplete
Always write in complete sentences and make sure that each sentence ends with the proper punctuation. Similarly, when you write a paragraph, be sure to develop your ideas. You always need at least two or three supporting sentences after the topic sentence. It is usually not possible to have a paragraph with only two sentences.

Reminder for Wednesday's class: 02.29.2012

Reading passage on Darwin is due at the beginning of the class. You will be handing in your reading passages, so be sure to have it completed.

We will begin the integrated essay and start our outlines. Please be on time. Most of you have already exceeded 3 late which equals one absence. 

We will also discuss the final project at the beginning, please have your questions ready. 



For Monday's Class: 02. 27. 2012

Your homework assignment is to complete the pre-writing steps and outline for the new essay topic. After completing the pre-writing steps and outline, you have to write the introduction and conclusion for the essay. Please ONLY write the introduction and conclusion. Remember to use the transitions and key words to include in introduction and conclusion. I have provided you with worksheets for both--please utilize them. 

I am sending the pre-writing steps and outline sheets in an email in case you need extras. 

See you tomorrow.


For Monday's Class: 02.11.2012

Be ready to hand in your essays first thing in the morning. You will be handing in your completed essays, pre-writing steps, and outline.

There is light snow expected Monday morning, so plan your travel time accordingly so you can arrive safely by 8:30am.

Also, some of you emailed me your essays, please print it out and bring it to class. I will take your printed copy as your assignment.

See you Monday !


Monday 02-06-2012

Please remember to bring in an outline or graphic organizer you have used in the past. This can be a simple outline/drafting sheet or an actual organizer you have used and liked in the past. If you don't remember or have never used one, please go on GOOGLE and type in graphic organizer and look through some examples and find one that you think you can use for your essays. This counts for your homework grade from last week. Deadline--Wednesday 02/06/2012


Feb 8, 2012 

Homework: Monday 02.13.2012

Due: Essay 1 with pre-writing steps and outline ALL COMPLETED

You can type your essays or write it by hand. It must be 250-300 words. Please indent and format your essays appropriately.

Homework:Wednesday 02.15.2012

Reading Comprehension Passage 3: Gandhi's Hunger Strike


If you have not sent me your graphic organizer, please email it to be by 10pm tonight for a grade. Late assignments will not be accepted past 10pm tonight !

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