Linda G.'s Page


CORE I and CORE III:  As we have been discussing, your final Process Writing is due this week.  We will have a chance to do final peer editing in our last class.
for CORE I      If your Process Paragraph is edited and complete by Tuesday's class, I will grade it and return it to you on Thursday.
CORE III   If your Process Essay is completed with final edits by Wednesday's class, I will grade it and return it to you on Thursday.

Grammar Group II.  Class Date:  Thursday, April 24     Due Date:  Tuesday, April 30th
Please complete the final review quiz on page 95.  Check your answers on page UR-2 and send me a short email about your results.  Do you feel confident?  Were your mistakes minor?  Do you feel that you still need more practice with Future Perfect and Future Perfect Progressive.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 26    Vocabulary for Friday's Quiz
L&S:  gesture, posture, rehearse, demonstrate, lodging, hiking, tent
R&W  (all adjectives!!):  competititve, entertaining, informative, social, suspenseful, amusing, annoying, appealing, boring, exciting, entertaining, stimulating, relaxing

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, April 24     Due Date:  Thursday, April 26
Your outline and your first draft for your reason paragraph are due on Thursday.  Late papers will not be accepted.  This paper will be on the topic of a pastime or type of entertainment you enjoy.
Outline:  Must contain all three levels:  TS, SP (minimum of 3) and DEV.  See page 61 in EW1.
First Draft:  Must follow your outline and be written in proper paragraph form. (Pg. 12)
Double space this paragraph.
*** when writing this draft, use the vocabulary that we have been studying in this chapter on pages 55-56.    

Grammar Group II.  Class Date:  Tuesday, April 24     Due Date:  Thursday, April 26
Using the information you collected during the interview of your classmates, please write a minimum of five sentences about him or her.  Use the future perfect and future perfect progressive in your writing.  You will present this to the class on Thursday.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, April 24    Due Date:  Wednesday, April 26
Come to Wednesday's class prepared with the final version of your introduction, your outline which will show the structure of your essay, your thesis statement, your major supporting points, and several points of development you will use for each supporting point.  
Bring your peer-reviewed journal article to class on Wednesday.
Be prepared to write the first draft of your essay in APA style.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 19     Due Date:  Tuesday, April 21
Using the chart you completed for homework on April, write an outline for your REASON paragraph.  You should have a thesis statement (TS), a minimum of three supporting points (SP), and several points of development (DEV) for each SP.  Your outlines will be shared with the class on Tuesday.  Be ready to share and talk about yours!

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, April 18    Vocabulary for Friday's Quiz
List #1:  ritualistic, courtship, enduring, spouse, union, diplomacy, murky, spectator, participant, bind
List #2:  consistent, impromptu, substantial, outrageous, propel, incentive, submit, grant, implement, bar code

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, April 18    Due Date:  Monday, April 23
Revise your introduction according to our work in class today.  If you have questions, please ask one of your classmates or send me an email.  

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 12     Vocabulary for Friday's Quiz
Know the verb and adjective forms (WFW) of the vocabulary on page 55 in EWI, Exercise I.  Be able to use each of these words, in either form, correctly in a sentence.  The quiz will focus on words 1-10 in this list.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, April 17     Due Date:  Thursday, April 19
Complete the chart handed out in class today, listing your pastimes or favorite entertainment and the reasons why you enjoy these activities.  CLICK HERE for a copy of the chart.

Grammar Group II.  Class Date:  Tuesday, April 17     Due Date:  Thursday, April 19
Complete the Unit 5 review test on page 78 in FOG.    Check your answers on page UR-2.  For any errors, please go back and review the relevant section in the chapter.  We will be starting unit 6 (Future Perfect and Future Perfect Progressive) on Thursday.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, April 16    Due Date:  Wednesday, April 18
Revise your outline according to our work in class today.  Make sure your outline clearly reflects either point by point structure or side by side structure.  This outline will be handed in with your final essay.  Make any necessary revisions in your thesis statement, so that it accurately reflects your outline.

Write your introductory paragraph for your essay.  Be sure that you have a "hook" and that you use a strategy that includes one or more of the following:  background information,definition, general statements, anecdotes, and turnabouts (see samples on pages 130-131).  Be sure your writing logically leads to your thesis statement. 

Consider using the noun clauses "in that" and "in terms of" (page 131).

vocabulary from today:  prescribe, ritualistic, arranged marriage, courtship, spouse, life partner, birth rate, infanticide, enduring, diplomacy, union, murky, spectator, marital status, bind (foot binding)

Grammar Group II.  Class Date:  Thursday, April 12     Due Date:  Tuesday, April 17
Please write one paragraph about your aspiration, hopes and plans for when you leave Nazareth and the ALI program.  Use both the future and the future progressive in your writing.  Thank you.

 CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 12     Vocabulary for Friday's Quiz
From L&S:    transmit, disease, to get dark, to get vaccinated, to rip off (5)
From R&W:  journalist, exaggerate(v)/exaggeration (n), perspective, opportunity, misunderstand (v)/ misunderstanding (n), citizen, comment(v)/commentary (n), foreigner(n)/foreign (adj), extensive, citizen (n), society (n)

 CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 12     Due Date:  Tuesday, April 17th
In Engaging Writing I (EWI), on pages 55-56, complete Exercise I A&B and Exercise 2 A, according to the directions in the book.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, April 11    Vocabulary for Friday's Quiz
You will be provided with two vocabulary lists of 10.  For one list you will be asked to write a paragraph, dialogue or combination of the two.  For the second list, you will be asked to write a complete sentence for each word.  There will also be a bonus question involving a graph.
List 1:  euphemism, lay off,  flatter (verb), flatter (adj), shift, autonomy/autonomous, detached/detachment, allusion, substantial, accustomed (to or
List 2:  shortage, container, convert, prototype, reluctant, compound, protocol, anecdotal evidence, periodically, convince
CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, April 11    Due Date:  Monday, April 16
For Monday's class, please come prepared with your brainstorming sheet, formal outline and topic sentence for the Cause & Effect which will be our major focus for the second part of this semester. 
Please follow each of the steps we practiced in class today:
1) select a topic
2) brainstorm
3) narrow your focus; decide on organizational style (side-by-side or point-by-point); and select the major supporting points (SP)  you want to address in your essay (3-5 SPs). 
4)  Write a thesis statement to structure your outline.
4) Write an outline that includes all three levels  (TS, SPs, DEV) - do not write your outline in complete sentences !!
Please write neatly.  We will be looking at each of your outlines in class on Monday.
Please take your time with this outline, as it will be the foundation for your next extensive writing assignment.  Select a topic that you can write about in detail and that interests you.  You will be expected to use this outline as the foundation for the paper you write.
 CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, April 10     Due Date:  Thursday, April 12
Complete the writing assignment from Ms. Elena Coyle.  Write a reason paragraph, according to the directions provided:

Write a reason paragraph to Martians (those who live on Mars) about people's vacation. You can write about why people need vacation or what they do on vacation. Don't be stressed about the word choice, spelling, punctuation, or grammar. The main task for you is to try to follow the structure of a reason paragraph as closely as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions about your homework.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, April 9    due date Wednesday, April 11
Reading:  In EWI, read pages 121-123.  
1)  Select a topic from the list of assignments on page 121.  If you have another topic (related to marriage and family) that you prefer to write about, please let me know.  Be prepared to write in class on your topic.
2)  Understand the different organizational structures of a comparison/contrast essay  (point-by-point or side-by-side organization).  Be ready to write outlines using each of these structures.

1) Complete the homework that was due today (see below), if you did not already complete this.
2) Bring a list of 5-6 new vocabulary words from today's reading and/or class discussion.

Grammar Group II.  Class Date:  Thursday, April 5      Due Date:  Tuesday, April 10
In FOG 4, do exercise 13 on page 52.  Identify the 11 differences between picture number 1 at 4:00 p.m. and picture 2 at 6:00 p.m.  Write your answers in complete sentences, as in the example at the bottom of page 52.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, April 5     Due Date:  Tuesday, April 10

Reading:  In Engaging Writing I (EWI), please read pages 52-53, "How Blogging Changed my Life."  Please highlight any new vocabulary words in your reading.

Answer questions 1-4 on page 54.  Your answers need to be written, but may be written in short sentence/note form.  You will be expected to be ready to discuss any of these questions with the class.

VOCABULARY for Friday's QUIZ:  wrong, soundtrack, range, tune, groundbreaking, award, worldwide, found, untimely, consecutive, trailblazer, diva, renew, 

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, April 4    due date Monday, April 9

Reading: In EW I, read "Lifestyle Changes in Japan."  Use active reading, annotating the text and noting new vocabulary words.  

 Writing:  Answer questions 1-5 on pages 118-119.    Your answers need to be written, but may be written in short sentence/note form.  You will be expected to be ready to discuss any of these questions with the class.

Grammar Group II:  Class Date:  Tues, April 3      Due Date:  Thursday,April 5
From FOG 4, page 53:  Select a famous person (musician, economist, political figure, artist) and find information about that person from the internet.
a)  Make a timeline showing events in that person's life (minimum of 7-8)

b)  Write two paragraphs about the person you selected using your timeline.  Use past perfect, and past perfect progressive in your paragraphs.  See directions on page 53 for details!

c) Check your work using the editing checklist.

Please word process your work or write clearly!  Paper should include your name, date, and title.  Sentences and paragraphs should be written with proper structure.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tues, April 3     Due Date:  Thursday, April 5

If you did not hand in your final Process Essay today, the last day it will be accepted is Thursday in class.  Please be sure you proofread it carefully. Have a friend/classmate proofread your paper for mistakes that you may have missed.  

Your paper must be:
- word processed
- double spaced
- include your name, date, title
- be written in proper paragraph form (see page 12 in EW1)

This paper will be 20% of your grade for this class.   This paper should represent your very best work.

Thank you.  I look forward to reading them!

New vocabulary from today:  wrong, soundtrack, range, tune, groundbreaking, award, worldwide, found, untimely, consecutive, trailblazer, diva, renew, 

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, April 2    due date Wednesday, April 4
Final papers due at the beginning of class.  These papers should reflect peer edits from today's class, and should be completed according to the guidelines below:

Your essay should be written in APA style, and should include:
  • cover page
  • abstract  
  • full essay written, edited and carefully proofread
  • reference page
Note:  Each of these sections should follow APA Guidelines.  You will be graded on both the correct use of APA style in your paper, including in-text citations and references, and the writing and mechanics in your paper.

Completed papers must be handed in at the start of Wednesday's class.   

 CORE III:  For vocabulary quiz on Friday, March 30
List 1:  graphic, prevalent, campaign, skepticism, benign, grotesque, launch, gruesome, abduct, uptick and amputate

For this list of words, you will write one interesting, grammatically correct sentence.

List 2:  subsidies, obligation/obligatory, cope/coping, intrepid, trepidation,  marginal, mundane

For this list of words, you will write one paragraph, dialogue, or combination of the two. 

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, March 27 for Monday, April 2
Your final cause and effect essay should  be completed and ready for a final peer review in class on Monday.   
Remember:  We produce several drafts of these process essays in order to incorporate the new concepts taught and hopefully learned in class.  Your essay should reflect this.  For this reason, these process essays are the major part of your grade in this class.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tues, March 27     Due Date:  Thursday, March 29
Review the vocabulary from today's reading:  American Life & Culture: Comparing American and Chinese Parents, including:
debate, parenting, demand, insult, criticize, abusive, extreme, ease, retreat, fragile/fragility, seek
In Engaging Writing I (EWI):  Complete Exercise 18, pages 46-47.  On Thursday, be ready to hand in the two completed paragraphs: Night of Radishes - Past Tense and New Year's Eve at Times Square - Present Tense.
Please use proper paragraph form, as described on page 12 of EWI.

Grammar Group II:  Class Date:  Tues, March 27      Due Date:  Thursday, March 29
In FOG 4, complete exercises 3-6 on pages 44-47.  Each exercise lists a corresponding "grammar note" that you can review before, during and/or after the exercise.  For example, Exercise 3 corresponds to Grammar Note 1 on page 41.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, March 26 for Wednesday, March 28
Today's in-class news story: .  You may need to sign in to access this news article.

vocabulary from the news article:  graphic, skepticism, prevalent, benign, campaign, grotesque, gruesome, launched, uptick, amputation.

We will be doing an in-class group writing "competition" with these words on Wednesday.  Please review the words in preparation.  CLICK HERE to use the attached vocabulary study guide.

FOR WEDNESDAY:  Complete your cover page, abstract, and reference page for your cause and effect essay, as discussed in class today.  If you were not in class, please refer to the Perdue Online website:

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, March 22 for vocabulary quiz
astonish; astonishing
identify (v)
identity (n)
shape (n or v)

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Thurs, March 22      Due Date:  Tuesday, March 27
Write 10 good, interesting sentences using the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive.  Use the Grammar Notes on Page 41-42, and be sure to write sentences following the models in 1,2,3 & 4 in grammar notes.  Your sentences should be either word processed or written in legible (able to be read) handwriting, so that I can read them.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, March 21 for vocabulary quiz    
Vocabulary words for Friday's Quiz:  
Feel free to use this dictionary to learn more about the word and the other words in their "word-family) 
1. indict (indictment - n)
2. abduct   (abduction - n.=)
3. rebel (n. or v.) (rebellious - adj., rebellion - n)
4. kidnap 
5. pledge
6.  wane (waning - adj)
7. slaughter
8. impunity
9. dehumanize
bonus:  plea (n), plead (v) (with to do s.thing) , provocative, provoke, provocation

This quiz will be our first try with this new format for our vocabulary quiz.  Remember, you will be asked to write a paragraph and/or dialogue using each of these words.  I have given you some word family words above, but please use a dictionary to learn all of the word family words.  This will give you much greater understanding of the words and an increased ability to use them in your writing.

I plead with you to be creative and provocative with your writing.    You may express yourself with impunity, as I pledge that I will not indict you for spelling or factual errors.   I do, however, insist that you show up for the quiz, as any rebellious students who try to skip will be personally kidnapped by me and brought to class. I am not above abducting students when it is necessary, which can be a dehumanizing experience.   While taking your quiz, if you find that your interest or concentration is waning, just try to remember our conversation in class about these words.  

challenge:  who can complete this paragraph using the word "slaughter?"

Thank you to everyone for the suggestions!

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, March 21 for Monday, March 26
Read:  Handout from the Writing Center about Writing Conclusions
Read:  EW2 Page 100

Write:  Your conclusion for your cause & effect essay, based on these readings.  If you have already written your conclusion, please edit, as needed.

Bring to Class:  Completed full draft of your essay, word-processed, double-spaced, with your name, date and title.  On the final page, list the references you used for this essay.

Next week we will work on APA formatting, vocabulary of cause and effect. I will meet with each of you individually to look at your essays before you complete your final draft.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, March 20     Due Date:  Thursday, March 22
Come to class prepared with the third draft of your process essay properly formatted (see below and page 12 of your book).  This draft will include the "development" for each of your supporting points, as we practiced in class today.

As always, your paper should be word-processed, include your name, date, and title and be double-spaced.  

In class on Thursday, we will be finishing this chapter and you will have one more editing step before your final draft of this process paragraph.  Your final paragraph will be due in class on Tuesday.   The final draft will be your first formal piece of writing due for this class, and should represent your best possible work.

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Tues, March 20       Due Date:  Thursday, March 22
1.  If you kept your chapter-review quiz for  corrections, please turn your corrections in on Thursday in class.  Please attach a separate piece of paper to your quiz, and for each item that you got incorrect, write the correct answer and the explanation of why this answer is correct.  Please use the grammar notes on FOG4 (pages 28-30) to help with your explanations.

2.  Review the grammar presentation and grammar notes on Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive (pages 40-42 in FOG), in preparation for Thursday's class.   

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, March 8 for vocabulary quiz
labor, maintain, minority, negative, promote, resource, structure, transition, trend, located 

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, March 7 for vocabulary quiz    
phenomenal, urbanization, winding, remnants, magnificent, satellite, brilliant, scarce, intense, repercussion

For Monday following spring break:  Your first draft of your process essay will be due.

Please be sure that your essay includes a complete introduction with a hook (or "grabber"), information that leads the reader from the hook to the thesis statement, and a thesis statement that clearly indicates the topic and the controlling ideas and is written using parallel structure.

Your essay should also include the following:
- clear signs of cohesion in your writing (note:  your thesis statement will be the key to the organization of your essay)
- transitions between paragraphs and ideas
- information from your sources that is properly paraphrased or quoted, and is cited in your writing

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, March 6                   Due Date:  Thursday, March 8  
1.  In the reading packet, The Changing Nature of the Family, complete Vocabulary Exercise A.  These are the vocabulary words for your quiz on Friday.  

If you have not already done so, make the following revisions to your PROCESS ESSAY:
1.  Topic Sentence (TS):  Make sure your TS clearly presents the main idea of your writing and prepares the reader for the ideas that follow.  Add background support, context, or definition prior to your topic sentence.
2.  Transitions:   Add transitional words or phrases between the supporting points of your essay.  This makes it clear for the reader when you transition, or move, from one step to the next.

Bring your process writing folder to class on Thursday.  It should contain:  your outline, your first draft, and your second draft, with the changes noted above.

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Tues, March 6       Due Date:  Thursday, March 8
Yousif and Shahzad:  I am still missing your homework that was due on March 1 (10 sentences using past, present perfect and present perfect progressive - see details from class 2/28 below).

In FOG 4, page 36, complete exercise 9, using the past, present perfect, and present tense.  This should be a few paragraphs about you that would be appropriate for the "about me" section of your blog.

PLEASE BRING YOUR "About Me Circles" to Thursday's class.

Note:  We should be completing Unit 3 (Past, Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive) on Thursday.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, March 5     Due Date:  Wednesday, March 7
Homework due for today:  Introductions (from Elena's lesson)
If you were not in class today, or if you did not hand in your introductions, please email them to me no later than Tuesday.

For Wednesday:
Complete your introduction to your process essay, with all of the elements discussed and practiced in class today:  
- hook or grabber
- clear topic
- informative, related background that leads logically to the thesis statement
- a clearly stated thesis statement, that includes both the topic and the controlling ideas

note:  please ensure you have written your thesis statement using parallel construction

Your introduction should be word processed and reviewed (proofread) for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.  We will be peer editing these introductions in class.

For Wednesday:  Bring the sources you have selected to use with your essay (see homework from 2/29 below)

If you missed class today, or if you need extra review:  read pages 90-91 in EW2 an do exercise 7 on page 92-93.    For more on parallel structure review pages 254-256 in EW2.  Parallel structure in your thesis statement, is also covered on page 60 in EW2.

CORE III - Vocabulary Words for Friday's quiz:  
charismatic, introverted, extroverted, egotistical, devious, industrious, gregarious, sympathetic, affectionate, courageous
Skill Section of Quiz (bonus):  participial adjectives

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, March 1                   Due Date:  Tuesday, March 6        

Make the following revisions to your PROCESS ESSAY:
1.  TS:  Make sure your TS clearly presents the main idea of your writing and prepares the reader for the ideas that follow.  Add background support, context, or definition prior to your topic sentence.
2.  Transitions:   Add transitional words or phrases between the supporting points of your essay.  This makes it clear for the reader when you transition, or move, from one step to the next.

From Handout (The Changing Nature of the Family), read the passage "Family Structure."  While you are reading, use your Double-Entry Journal to make connections with the reading (text-text, text-self, text-world).  CLICK HERE for an example of how this can be done.

vocabulary for Friday's quiz:  topic sentence, draft, accomplishment, goal, brainstorm, pride/proud, revise/revision, stress, procrastination, consistent

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Thursday, March 1      Due Date:  Tuesday, March 6
In FOG 4, review grammar charts if needed, then on page 32-33 complete exercises 3&4.
Please bring your "circles" to class for a group exercise on Tuesday.

If you were not in class today, please complete the homework above and prepare the following:
- on a full sheet of paper, draw two large circles (fill the whole page)
- label on circle "now"
- label the other circle "2009"
- inside each circle, list the events that were happening or that happened in your life at the time
(e.g. living in KSA, working as an artist, got married, bought first car, nephew born, learned to skydive)
Bring this to class for a group exercise on Tuesday.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, February 29     Due Date:  Monday, March 5
I.  Process Writing (cause & effect):  Please make any necessary edits on your outline, so that it follows the pattern on page  87 in EW2.  In your outline, be sure you have identified the 3 levels discussed in class:  Thesis Statement (TS); Supporting Points/Topic Sentences for your body paragraphs (SP) and the Development (DEV) of EACH of your Supporting Points.

II.  Introductions:  Complete 1,2,3,4 or 5 of the introductions from the handout in today's class.  Your writing should include a hook, a clear topic and the necessary background to lead logically to your thesis statement.

III.  Identify 2 sources for your process essay (peer reviewed journal, book, internet article, interview etc.).  Please bring your source or a link to your source to class.  You may use a source written in your native language.

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, Feb 28                   Due Date:  Thursday, March 1           
Complete the first draft of your process paragraph (My Accomplishment).  Your draft should be word-processed, and should meet all of the requirements for proper paragraph form (see page 12 - Engaging Writing I (EWI).  

Your paragraph MUST be emailed to me before Thursday or printed out and in your hand when class starts at 9:30 a.m.  

target vocabulary for Friday's quiz:  topic sentence, draft, accomplishment, goal, brainstorm, pride/proud, revise/revision, stress, procrastination, consistent

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Tuesday, Feb 28       Due Date:  Thursday, March 1
Questions and Answers in past, present perfect, present perfect progressive:
In class today you selected 5 irregular verbs for your homework.
For each verb, write 5 questions and answers using past, present perfect AND present perfect progressive

ex:  verb =  build
Q:  How long have you been building your house?
A:  I have been building it since last year.  or I have been building it for a year.

ex:  verb = bet
Q:  Did he bet on the big game?
A:  I don't know about this game, but I know he has bet on all of the big games in the past.

CORE III:  Class Date:  Monday, February 27     Due Date:  Wednesday, February 29
This week we will begin one of the major process essays you will complete for this class.  This essay will be major in terms of demonstration and application of writing skills, not necessarily in the length of this essay.

DUE Wednesday - IN CLASS your completed OUTLINE for your topic (selected using the list on page 81, or approved by me).  Follow the process steps of:  Brainstorming, Organizing, Developing a Thesis Statement, and Writing Your Outline, as described on pages 84-87 in EW2.  In this outline, identify your:  Thesis Statement (TS); Supporting Points/Topic Sentences for your body paragraphs (SP) and the Development (DEV) of EACH of your Supporting Points.

During your pre-writing stages, be certain that you have selected a topic that you can fully develop into a CAUSE and EFFECT essay.

Your outline will be collected in class on Wednesday for approval.  I will return your outline during class on Wednesday.  First drafts of the essay will be due the following Monday.

Vocabulary Words for Friday's quiz:  
charismatic, introverted, extroverted, egotistical, devious, industrious, gregarious, sympathetic, affectionate, courageous
Skill Section of Quiz (bonus):  participial adjectives

CORE I:  Class Date:  Thursday, Feb 23                   Due Date:  Tuesday, Feb. 28                       
In Engaging Writing I (EWI), read "Miriam's Steps" for choosing an essay topic.  Make your own list of personal accomplishments that you have achieved in your life.  Write a list of 4-5 accomplishments.  From this list, select the accomplishment that you think you can explain clearly in 3-5 steps.  Bring this list to class on Tuesday.

For the vocabulary quiz on Friday:  Know the definitions, past tenses, and prepositions for the verbs on page 191.  For your quiz, you will be making sentences in the past tense, following the model of the exercises we have been doing in class.

GRAMMAR Group II:  Class Date:  Thursday, February 23   Due Date:  Tuesday, February 28
From FOG 4, Page 24:  Exercise 10, A&B
Write two paragraphs using simple past and past progressive, following the directions on page 24.
Use the editing checklist on page 24 to check your work.
a) word processed or written in very legible handwriting
b)name and date on paper

Grammar Quiz - Error Analysis:  (Yousif, Hassan, Shahzad, Khalid, Linlang)
On a separate piece of paper:
For each question you missed on your grammar quiz, write the correct sentence, along with the explanation of the grammar rule (from pages 16-17)

CORE III:  Class Date:  Wednesday, February 22     Due Date:  Monday, February 27
word processed
edited for spelling, punctuation & mechanical errors
submitted by email prior to Monday’s class, or handed in in a paper copy at the start of Monday’s class.
Option 1:
On page 78 of EW2,  complete 4a and 4 b according to the directions in the book.  Your answer should be written in three parts as follows:  identify the problem and write a few good complete sentences that answer the question:  who should do what   (see example in 4b)

note:  “The Hassan option”:  if you have identified problems of global disparity that the author did not identify in this article, feel free to use them in your response.
Option 2:
Rewatch the video on U.S. Income Disparity & write a 3-part response as follows:
  • Based on this video, what is the real disparity in income in the U.S. and what is the perception of this disparity?
  • What do you think the cause of this disparity is?  Explain.
  • What do you think the effect is on the people of this country and/or other countries.  Provide examples

Revise your "Susan B. Anthony" blog posts, with the edits  and revisions from class on Wednesday.  Bring both your original copy (with mark-ups) and your revised copy to class.  

III.  TOPIC FOR ESSAY:  Review the essay topics on page 81 and begin to think about the topic for your essay.   You may select a topic from this list, or an approved topic of your choice.

LP:  inadequate, incapable, uncomfortable, unconscious, disconnected, immeasurable, imperfect, impossible, dissatisfied, intangible
LG:  periphery, core, disparity, phenomenon, critic, distortion, substantial, commodity, resource base, hoard (hoarder)
- there will also be sentence repair questions (identifying sentence fragments and run-on sentences)

CORE I:  Class Date:  Tuesday, February 21     Due Date:  Thursday, February 23                          
In Engaging Writing I, pages 7-9, read page 7 carefully, and complete exercises 2 and 3.  Please read and follow the directions carefully and be ready to write some of your own topic sentences on Thursday in class.

For Friday's vocabulary quiz:  the words for the quiz will come from your language journals.  Please come to class on Thursday prepared to select words from your journals.

GRAMMAR - GROUP 2:  Class Date:  February 21     Due Date:  Thursday, February 23               
IN FOG 4, complete exercises 4 and 5 on pages 20-21.  In exercise 4, be sure to use "when" and "while" and the simple past and past progressive for each of your answers.
For exercise 5, find and correct the ten mistakes of simple past and past progressive.

On Thursday, we will complete some listening and speaking exercise for the past tenses, and then there will be a unit assessment quiz.

CORE I:  Class Date:  February 16                                                                                                         
FOR FRIDAY:   Study your vocabulary words in preparation for your quiz.  Words from our class are on page 5 of your book, Engaging Writing I (EWI).
During this quiz, you will write sentences for each of the vocabulary words, focusing on correct sentence structure.   You may use each word in either its noun or verb form.

FOR TUESDAY:  Review pages 185-191 in EWI.
Preview pages 192 and  193.  We will be working with adjectives and adverbs on Tuesday.
Please be sure you have also completed the homework that was assigned on February 14th.

GRAMMAR - GROUP 2:  Class Date:  February 16     Due Date:  Tuesday, February 21                   
Working with your partner, use the picture you selected in class to develop a brief news interview.
One member of your group will be the reporter, and the other member will be the eyewitness (the person who saw what happened.)
Your news interview story should include the following:

  • An introduction to your news report, identifying the event, the name of the reporter and the name of the eyewitness.
  • 3-5 questions and answers using the simple past tense and the past progressive.  Try to use as many forms of these tenses as possible (i.e. Yes/No and Wh questions; past progressive interrupted by simple past, past progressive with past progressive, etc.)   Use pages 16-18 in your FOG book to guide you.
  • A conclusion to your news story.
You will "perform" your news report for the class, so please practice your lines.  You may read from your script!

CORE III - Class Date:  February 15          Due Date:  Monday, February 20
In Engaging Writing II (EWII), complete the reading on "Global Economic Disparity" on pages 75-78. 
Prior to reading:  review the "Understanding the Reading" questions on page 78.
During the reading:  annotate the text using the ideas presented in today's class.  CLICK HERE for a copy of the handout.
Be prepared to discuss Q1-3 in class on Monday.
CLICK HERE to view the YouTube video about economic disparity in the United States.

Vocabulary Words/Phrases for Friday's Quiz:  "fraught with," incidental, ferocious, "suffice it to say," privy to, permutation, phlegm, knot, metaphor, mortify/mortification

CORE I - Class Date:  February 14             Due Date:  February 16
In Engaging Writing I, review pages 185-189, Parts of Speech and The Basic Sentence Parts.
Read:  "Healing and Learning to Heal, " on pages 2-4.  As you read, highlight new words, and write a few notes to summarize the main idea of the text.

GRAMMAR - GROUP 2:  Class Date:  February 14        Due Date:  February 16
Target Grammar:  Simple Past and Past Progressive
In Focus on Grammar (FOG) 4, complete the vocabulary and comprehension exercises on page 15.  If necessary, reread the story "Super Couples."  Review the charts on pages 16-18.  Be prepared to discuss and apply the  past and past progressive in a group exercise.

 CORE III - Class Date:  February 13, 2012        Due:  February 15, 2012

I.  Worksheet:  Complete today's handout "Sentence Fragments - Exercise 1,"  1-16 according to the directions provided.   CLICK HERE for today's notes on sentence fragments.

II.  Review today's assignment,  The “F  Word" by Firoozeh Dumas.  Be sure you have completed the assignment according to the directions provided.   CLICK HERE to review the questions and assignment directions.  

Using the self/peer edit checklist provided in class, check your writing for the five writing mechanic items listed on the sheet.  Then give your writing to a peer (friend/classmate/etc.) and have them review your work and sign the peer review sheet.  Your assignment, with the edits handwritten, and the peer review sheet is due in class on WEDNESDAY morning.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the peer review sheet for writing mechanics

CORE I - February 9, 2012    Due:  Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If you have not already purchased your text, "Engaging Writing 1," please have this for class by Thursday.  From "Technology and Society" Packet, complete exercise "B," pages 8-9.  In the "Engaging Writing I" textbook, read "Healing and Learning to Heal."

Vocabulary Words for Friday's Quiz:  evolve, global, environment, evidence, symbolize, transform, furthermore, eventually, decline, and capacity

ONGOING:  You should work on these throughout the semester.
  • Learn the Past Tense of the most common irregular verbs in English.  This list is on pages 238-239 of Engaging Writing 1.
  •   Learn the common English suffixes for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.  This list is on page 237 of Engaging Writing 1 

GRAMMAR  - Group 2
Class Date:  February 9, 2012     Due Date:  Tuesday, February 14, 2012
You will need your Grammar Textbook for this homework and for Tuesday's class (pages 12-25)

#1 - Self-assessment on Simple Present & Present Progressive:  complete the Unit 1 Review on page 12.  After completing this, check your answers in the back of the book.  If you missed any of the questions, please go back and review the material in Chapter 1.

#2 - Class assessment on Simple Present & Present Progressive
 Select a famous person that everyone in the class is likely to be familiar with.
Prepare one complete paragraph describing this person.  Your paragraph is to be written using the simple present and present progressive.  There should be enough information in this paragraph to give your classmates enough clues to guess the name of your person.  Write at least 6 well-constructed sentences using both simple present and present progressive.
You will present your paragraph to the class & ask them to guess your character.
You will also hand in your written paragraph to me, so please either write neatly or use a computer!

CORE 3 - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  February 8, 2012   Due Date:  Monday, February 13
Read Article #2 of paired readings,  The “F  Word" by Firoozeh Dumas.   CLICK HERE to view the directions and questions for the writing assignment.

Select  1 question from Part I.  Identify the question you have selected, and write a one paragraph response.  Then answer the Part II question a complete one paragraph response.  Please edit/peer edit your writing.  Pay special attention to subject-verb agreement and sentence fragments.  This will be graded as a reflective writing assignment.  Please include name, date, title and either email it to me prior to class or bring your printed copy to class on Monday.

VOCABULARY WORDS FOR QUIZ: tame, to get rid of, derogatory, confession, amendment, accusation, immerse

CLICK HERE  to view  The "F Word" 

CLICK HERE for a link to today's presentation on "Our English Speaking Nation?"

Class Date:  Tuesday, February 7, 2012    Due Date:  Thursday, February 9, 2012
 PURCHASE Grammar Book and Bring to Every Class!

CORE I - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  Tuesday, February 7, 2012  Homework due Thursday, February 9th
see above (2/9)

CORE 3 - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  February 1, 2012   Due Date:  Monday, February 6

With Michael Pollan’s article in mind, visit a grocery store.  Based on your article, do you agree with Pollan about the “landscape” of food in grocery stores in the United States.  Make at least three specific observations that either confirm or refute Pollan’s principles.    Your writing should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs in length, and should include:
- typed and double spaced
- include a title, your name and the date
- demonstrate an understanding of Pollan’s ideas & an application of these ideas in your own research
- include a minimum of three specific examples
Please pay special attention to recently reviewed topics:  subject-verb agreement and capitalization.

 CORE 3 - Reading and Writing - Vocabulary for Quiz on 2.3.12
 You will be asked to write a meaningful sentence for each vocabulary word and also to provide word family words for as many of the words as possible.

GRAMMAR - GROUP 2                                                                                    
Class Date:  January 31, 2011
There is no written homework.  Begin to prepare for next Tuesday's quiz on subject-verb agreement and pronoun agreement.  We will continue to work on pronouns this Thursday.  Click on the link below if you want to review the PowerPoint presentation on subject-verb agreement.

CORE I - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  January 31,  2011; Homework due Thursday, February 2nd
 Reading:  Re-read pages 3-4 in your "Technology and Society" packet.  
Review:  Review your vocabulary words from Tuesday's class.  Add additional notes to your vocabulary journal that will help you learn the words & be able to use them in speaking/writing.
Write:  Answer the 3 Reading Comprehension questions on page 4.  Please follow the guidelines we discussed in class: 
-   name, date & title on your paper 
-   complete answers to each question written in complete sentences
This will be a graded writing reflection.

CORE 3 - Reading and Writing
Reminder for class on 2.1.12
Please have the excerpt from Michael Pollin's "In Defense of Food" completed for class.  Click on the link below for a PDF of the article.
In Defense of Food

All students: Polish Heroes blog post is due on Friday, 2-3-12, Most students will be writing using the RAFT instructions we handed out in class. CLICK HERE for a link to the instructions.

All Students: Scavenger hunt blog post is due on Monday, 1-30-12. The post must have one good paragraph, and at least one photo with a caption. Any photos you post must have captions. This post will be graded, so post on time, please.

 GRAMMAR - GRP 2    
Class Date:  January 26    Due Date:  Tuesday, January 31 
Our homework will focus on increasing your “verbal” vocabulary:
1.  Make a list of specific verbs that you could use in place of the two general verbs EAT and WRITE    (e.g.  run:  sprint, jog, scamper, scurry, dart, dash, race, tear)

2)   Make a list of verbs that fit in a category of ACADEMIA (write, teach, plagiarize, etc)  .  This is a challenge!  Who can come up with the most verbs?

3)   Write a riddle for your classmates.  Think of a specific noun (animal or machine), and think of four or five specific actions that the animal or machine does.
Follow this pattern:

I ___________________________, and I __________________________, and ____________________________, and I ________________________.  What am I?

         examples:  I leap, and I plop and I swim, and I croak.  What am I?  answer:  a frog
 I flit, and I fly, I flutter and I fold my wings.  What am I?   answer:  a butterfly

 CORE I - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  January 26,  2011; Homework due Tuesday, January 31
Complete the work in Chapter 1 - Why Are We Shy?  Page 5 - Comprehension Check; Page 6 - complete the outline (first try to do this without looking back at the reading!); Page 7 - vocabulary skill building.

CORE 3 - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  January 25, 2012

For Friday:  Remember to bring your 20 vocabulary words from your journal to class on Friday for the vocabulary quiz.  Don’t cheat yourself!  Make a valuable list to study from.

BLOG:  Respond to the Wallet/Identity Blog Post of at least two of your classmates.  This is due on SATURDAY at MIDNIGHT.   Blogs will be graded by the reflective reading rubric attached below.

READING:  Read the attached 10-page reading from our REMIX book: 

Michael Pollin’s “In Defense of Food” excerpt.   Be sure your reading is complete prior to class on Monday, as we will have an activity based on the reading.

CORE I - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  January 24,  2011
Bring your vocabulary journal to class.  Please make sure you have a minimum of 20 new and challenging words for this week (weekending 1/29)
 Read the reading from Real Reading Two, Overcoming Shyness.  Highlight any unknown words and add them to your journal.  You should have more than 20 new words in your journal.  Remember that these words will come from your Listening & Speaking class, Reading & Writing class and your daily life!

CORE 3 - Reading and Writing
Class Date:  January 23, 2012
Homework due:  Wednesday, January 25
1)  Complete your 1-page reflection from the reading "Identity" that we read together in class today.  In a reflection (minimum three paragraphs), answer the questions that appeared on the back of the reading.  Be sure to answer all three questions.  I recommend writing your reflection in a word document and then pasting it into your blog.  Click on the link below for a copy of the reading.
Identity -- or -- Who do you think you are?
Reading to Writing Reflection Rubric - this is how your reading reflection will be graded!

2)  Read the attached introduction to the Remix book and be ready to discuss this in class.  Think about the following:
- what is "Remix"
- why do you think I selected this book for English Language learners?
- what does the author mean by "cultural assumptions?"
- what are the four steps to being a cultural critic, and why are they important?
Please highlight any new vocabulary words and write them in your journal.  Be prepared to share some of your journal entries with the class.
Reading:  Remix Intro

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to all of our returning students! It's very exciting to see all of you after our break from classes. I'm looking forward to catching up with each of you and hearing about your adventures during the winter break.

    And to our new students, I am thrilled to welcome you to Rochester, Nazareth College, and the American Language Institute. I hope that you have all settled in well to your new "home" here at Nazareth. As I am sure you have already discovered, your classmates are all truly amazing people who are happy to help you get adjusted your new surroundings. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you have. I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to work with all of you!

    Looking forward to a great semester,

